Model fit is a measure of how well your MMM fits your current data used to train the model.
Dataset | R-squared | MAPE | wMAPE |
All Data | 1.00 | 1% | 1% |
Your channel contributions help you understand what drove your revenue. Channel_0 and Channel_2 drove the most overall revenue.
Your return on investment (ROI) helps you understand how your marketing activities impacted your business objectives. Channel_0 drove the highest ROI at 8.6. For every $1 you spent on Channel_0, you saw $8.57 in revenue. Channel_0 had the highest effectiveness, which is your incremental outcome per media unit. Channel_0 had the highest marginal ROI at 4.84. Channel_0 drove the lowest CPIK at $0.38. For every KPI unit, you spent $0.38.
Your response curves depict the relationship between marketing spend and the resulting incremental revenue. Your optimal weekly frequency for Channel_4 is 2.0 to maximize ROI.