MMM Optimization Report
Time period: 2021-01-25 - 2024-11-18 Optimization scenario insights icon

These are the estimated results from a fixed budget scenario with a channel-level spend constraint of -30% to +30% of the non-optimized spend. The non-optimized spend for each channel is equal to the historical spend during the period from 2021-01-25 to 2024-11-18.

Non-optimized budget $5.7k Optimized budget $5.7k $0 Non-optimized ROI 4.6 Optimized ROI 5.3 +0.7 Non-optimized incremental revenue $26k Optimized incremental revenue $30k +$4.0k
Recommended budget allocation insights icon

You can see the channel-level budget shifts and the performance lift after optimization.

Note: Each bar represents the change in optimized spend for a channel. Negative values indicate a decrease in spend while positive values indicate an increase from your non-optimized spend. Note: The "non_optimized" bar presents the incremental revenue before optimization, and the subsequent bars represent the change in incremental revenue for each channel based on the optimal spend level. The final bar labeled "optimized" shows the total incremental revenue after optimization.
Optimized budget allocation
Channel Non-optimized spend Optimized spend
Channel_0 20% 26%
Channel_4 20% 25%
Channel_2 20% 20%
Channel_1 20% 14%
Channel_3 20% 14%
Response curves with optimized spend insights icon

These response curves depict the relationship between marketing spend and the resulting incremental revenue and show the optimal spend amount for each channel that maximizes the total incremental revenue while staying within the channel-level spend constraints.